Nightlife industry experts share Global Nighttime Recovery Plan update

Experts from the night time industry have shared a Global Nighttime Recovery Plan update.

The GNRP is a collaborative practical guide that aims to provide all members of the nighttime industry “the knowledge and tools to aid their cities in planning for safe, intentional, and equitable re-opening”.

The next instalment of the GNRP, Chapter 4, looks at support models for nightlife industry workers, individuals and vulnerable populations, with the results of a recent survey of nighttime workers allowing the GNRP to assess the impact of the pandemic, and the needs of the workers impacted by COVID-19.

Speaking with over 300 nighttime workers, the GNRP found that 98% of workers had reported a loss of income due to coronavirus and 49% had received aid (unemployment assistance) — although 15% reported the aid had not been substantial enough. The survey also documents a growing mental health crisis among nightlife workers.

The document also includes a number of case studies in Germany, South Africa, New Zealand and the U.S., assessing the different government support packages offered to the impacted sector. 

You can read Chapter 4 of the GNRP, and the previously released documents, here.

(Photo: Eunice Maurice)

Elsewhere, in the UK, the NTIA recently surveyed over 100 clubs about the current struggles they are facing, primarily the lack of appropriate financial support, and an unclear exit strategy for reopening venues.

Of the 100 nightclubs surveyed, which included London’s Egg, Sub Club in Glasgow, and Hangar, the NTIA found that 88% of clubs in the UK are in over two months worth of rent arrears, 86% had been forced to make redundancies — with over 65% making over 60% of their workforce redundant before the end of 2020 — and 43% had still not recieved any kind of financial support or grant from the government.


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