Bristol radio station Noods launches Luvers membership scheme

Bristol radio station Noods launches Luvers membership scheme

Bristol radio station Noods has started a membership scheme.

Taking its name from a legendary Bristol colloquialism, options for Luvers of the station start at £3 per month and will go toward helping grow in the station in the future.

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“So far we’ve relied on events, merchandise and crowdfunding
from residents to keep things ticking but now we’re asking our
listeners for support to help make Noods self-sufficient and
grow,” the station said in a statement announcing the scheme.

“From as little as £3 a month, listeners will help bolster
the station’s sustainability and as a thank you they’ll receive a
20 per cent discount on the Noods store, early access to events and
merchandise plus insider news via a monthly newsletter.”

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The station was founded in 2016 and broadcasts online and on DAB 24/7. It boasts 300 residents from Bristol and around the world and is proudly ad-free and independent.

“We’re introducing the scheme to futureproof ourselves and create
a more sustainable station,” the Noods crew said.

“We’ve been able to get this far with the
support of the community and sales from events and merchandise
but to continue growing and meeting demand, we need more team
members, better equipment and to be able to create more paid
opportunities for creatives. Over the last few years we’ve worked
with thousands of artists celebrating alternative music and in
doing so we’ve built a community of misfits, dancers, collectors,
and selectors dedicated to discovering and sharing music.”

Hit the Noods website here to become an official Noods Luver.

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