Sunday Morning (Richard Earnshaw Remixes) Rob Milton, Smith Foliage Records

Sunday Morning (Richard Earnshaw Remixes)

Rob Milton, Smith

Foliage Records

FN060 | 2021-05-07  

Next up on FOLIAGE we take you straight to church with SUNDAY MORNING courtesy of ROB MILTON feat. SMITH.

A young black creative with one foot in both sides of the industry, ROB MILTON is a music journalist and indie soul singer who has managed to make a name for himself through releasing an abundance of quality music and serving as a contributing blogger for SoulBounce and

SUNDAY MORNING see’s ROB team up with the ever so soulful vocals of fellow ATL artist SMITH to create this feet stomping R&B & Gospel laced feel good record.

UK house maestro RICHARD EARNSHAW steps forward on remix duties to help get the masses dancin’ in the aisles!