Beautiful Ezel, Earl W. Green Bayacou Records

BYC15 | 2021-05-28  

We are proud to present this collaboration between Ezel and South African vocalist Earl W. Green in the form of ‘Beautiful’.

Taking inspiration from that latin soulful sound of the likes of Ian Friday, Louie Vega and Blaze, here on ‘Beautiful’, Ezel dishes some immersive latin percussion
that serves as a foundation for a lush arrangement and instrumentation. On vocal duties, Earl W. Green serves an uplifting performance charged with reverence
to natural confidence and beauty found among us all.


Written by Ezel Feliz & William Makume (Earl W. Green)
Arranged, mixed and produced by Ezel @ Bayacou Studios.
Executive Producer: Ezel Feliz
(c) Bayacou Records
